Monday, June 25, 2012

Setting down the goals

So here I am , attempting once again to lose the weight I need to lose. I need to lose 40 kgs to be my ideal weight for my height.Will it be possible? I hope so, I shall do so in small steps.

Before anything, lemme explain why I named this blog "Small Steps". I dont know where this quote originates from but I believe it's an old Chinese proverb:

"It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward." 

I look at this quote in terms of losing weight and achieving my goals. If you try to hard, and push yourself way too much because you want to lose the weight faster or get to your goal faster, you will come to a point where you cant take it any more and give up, this is what ALWAYS happens to me in the past. I get too tired of everything and I give up. Which is why this time around, I have decided to take everything in small steps, slowly but eventually and hopefully I will get there.

Also,this time around, I have someone who I know will push me and help me get through this long long journey to becoming a normal healthy person. Hopefully he will stick with me throughout this journey and not give up.

I want to be able to do the activities I have never been able to do because of my weight, I want to shed the fat and get out there and do things! Hiking, Rock Climbing, Running etc. I want to be able to Ice Skate (something I have always loved) and not have my feet hurt because of the weight on two thin blades.

I have realised, I am turning 25 this year and I think it is about time to turn my life around. If I want to get out there and do things, the time is now and I have got to get it right this time around. 

I have tried many times in the past, but have fallen off the horse and never really bothered to get back on. Lack of motivation, and of course my love for food.

But it also could  be because I realise that is because I never set  a proper goal for myself, there was nothing really motivating me to shed the weight. 

However this time around,I have something proper now, a really good friend, Wils, has inspired me to pick up running. He seems to have a lot of passion for it, and he set a small step goal for himself to complete, and he has recently done it. His long term goal is to run a full marathon in two years and I believe he can do it. He inspires me and motivates me. 

In order for me to be able to pick up running, I need to shed the weight  and train hard. My goal for now, as of today in which I have exactly 1 year to complete, is to shed weight (maybe not all 40 kgs, because that would be impossible and unhealthy but a whole major part of it), AND to complete a 10km run. Never mind about the speed, for now I just want to be able to complete it.

I know it's going to be a huge struggle, and there will be times I would just want to give up and it has happened before, but I now I feel I have something else to keep me going. I have support from my friends.

Previously I felt weight is always a sensitive and embarrassing issue to talk about, I didn't like to talk about how big I was amongst my peers, I kept it all inside.But now, I have realised that I should just be open about it. I really want to lose weight more than anything in the world, I want to be healthy, I want to be able to do the things they do with them! And when I finally got the courage to talk to them about it,the response from my friends were great, they were supportive and encouraging.

All this while, I realised I should have just opened up to them earlier, what is there to be embarrassed about? If they are your friends they would support you and motivate you if you want a healthier lifestyle. And I am so thankful to them. I finally got over the first step most people face, admitting you have a problem.

Anyway, I hope that I can carry this on, and I hope people will stick with me while I am doing this. I am really thankful to Wils who got me started on all of this.  I hope you will help me along the way, especially when I want to give up. Thank you for being my sunshine= for keeping my day bright, and for being my rock, ever sturdy to lean on.

I have started this regime with him on the 29th of May 2012. I started with walking 3 times a week, a distance of 4km (sometimes 4.5km) within an hour. I now have dropped one pants size, and lost 3.5kg and have taken the small step of upping the distance to 5km, occasionally 6km. When I first started, the very first time, 2km in of walking I thought I was going to die. But he told me "when you think you're going to die, and can't go on any more, you can actually do twice the distance" and I did it! I always keep his words in my head when I am doing my walks.

My next small goal for now is to be able to do 5km in under an hour and to slowly start running intervals. I would have to fix my ankle along the way, but I have to do it.

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