Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Morning Routine

Some people workout in the evening, some at night. For me, I have found that early in the morning seems to be the best. The only problem? Waking up is always such a pain in the ass, but it is a must! I like doing my walks in the morning because the temperature is cooler, and I will then have time to unwind with friends in the evening after a long day of work without worrying about having to do my workout. 

Today is Tuesday, so it is my 6km day. Pictures, with narratives for fun :

Early morning wake, was supposed to get up at 6am but only actually got out of bed at 6.20am. Better than usual, which is when i wake up at 6.40am in a panic.  I really despise waking up early, it's so hard to do when your comfy bed keeps beckoning to you. I set about 20 alarms on 3 devices, and I have my dad wake me up as well. I have to start early on Tuesdays and Thursday so I have enough time to finish the 6km and then rush to work. 

 This is Taman Tun's Kiara Park, which is my favourite place to walk at in the morning. There are alot of cute old people walking around, and doing their Tai Chi etc. It's quite cooling in the morning.

Every time I start my walks the first 2 rounds always make me feel like I cannot go any more, but once I hit the third round everything gets flowing, and I know I must just do it! I must do the 6km. I tried doing some running intervals today and it was ok. My ankle didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. I really cant wait to get it checked by the specialist, I just want the doc to tell me what I can do to make it better. It's so frustrating to have a weak ankle that gets painful every time I start hard activity. It's a result of 3 sprains on the same ankle. Sigh, I hope there is a way to make it better. It's such a restriction I feel.

But anyways, I did my 6km today! So yay! If you scroll all the way down this blog, I have added the endomondo widget that I use to keep track of my workouts. It is quite a good app. It's nice to track your progress and see if you can exceed what you thought were your limits.

Today I actually made it home in time to swim, I love swimming and I know it's a good work out as well, but after being dead tired after the walk and having only 15 minutes to swim,  I only managed to do 420meters. 

Today's lunch and main meal of the day, grilled chicken breast. I fear I may get sick of chicken breast one day, but I don't think I will. Hopefully. I initally thought giving up the carbs (rice and pasta etc.) would be hard, because well you know, it's CARBS, but when the thought comes to my head of eating a meal with rice or pasta, I realise I just don't want it any more,enemies they are my enemies! Why should I negate the hard work I've been doing and pile back on those calories.

I am not cutting out carbs completely, I am just rationing my carb intake way down. I know if I cut out carbs completely, I will be down and demotivated, and might go on a binge fest, a big NO. So I am taking a small step of cutting out the main carbs that I used to love the most. Slowly, I know I cant rush these things.

Anyway,I don't really know what I will be writing in this blog, but one of it's main purposes is to keep me motivated. When I shared this blog yesterday with a few of my friends, they all gave me support and good advice and I wanna thank you guys so much for it! I hope it will work this time around, because I have something I never had before during my attempts to lose weight and that is encouraging friends. 

My friend Sam said he is very excited about this "project", and told me to not let the team down. I hope I wont!! One thing I try not to do very hard is disappoint people, because I know the feeling of being disappointed sucks, and I never want to be the person who disappoints someone else.So hopefully I will not disappoint you guys.  Damn my spelling still sucks, I had to type the word "disappoint" a few times to not have the squiggly red line underneath.

Anyways guys please leave comments in the Cbox in the sidebar if you want =)


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