Thursday, June 28, 2012

Down Day

Gosh, I feel more tired than I felt yesterday. But I think it's the not enough sleep thing hitting me. I need to get to bed earlier. My head feels very heavy today.

I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. The weekend is the time to re cooperate! On weekends I do the work outs in the evenings, because the weekends are the only time I get to sleep in. And sleep is very much needed.

I decided today would be a rest day from the walking/running routine, BUT that doesn't mean I don't do any exercise. I know have to keep my body going everyday. I pushed myself to get my ass out of bed and wake up at 8.30am today and then swam 600meters within 20 minutes, which apparently is the equivalent of 500 calories, much more calories lost compared to when I run. But I guess that's cause swimming is a full body work out.

I ALMOST wanted to screw swimming this morning because I felt so extremely tired and have a full on rest day, but then I remembered I just gotta keep the momentum of exercising going. I can't stop, even for a day. Even if I am too tired and need a down day, I must force myself to do some form of exercise that day, never mind it be low intensity, as long as it is done. I must keep going and keep my self disciplined.

Gosh, all I want to do now is to just crawl back into bed curl up like a ball and sleep. I need my sleep.

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