Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ankle Frustration

Yesterday I decided to do a 7km. Which I have done before and can do it. I pushed myself to break my personal best of 5km, however my Endomondo kind of screwed up so I will never know. 

Anyway for some reason, I forgot to wear my rock tape. 

So now, my ankle is on fire and I can hardly walk properly. 

To top that, my shin splints are quite painful. 

I am so very frustrated with my stupid Accessory Navicular Syndrome. Why oh Why have I been blessed with an extra bone in my foot which causes pain every time I exert myself. 

I am so frustrated. But I will go on. 

I don't know if I can do the PJ this Sunday. Maybe I will do the 3km. It will depend on how this thing heals. Sigh. I am so very frustrated. BUT , I will go on. To the extent my body allows me to. 

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