Friday, September 7, 2012

Breakthrough Distance!

Yesterday, I did my FIRST 10km ever!! =)

Slow and steady! And I feel good about it. I never thought I would actually be able to complete it, but I just kept pushing myself. At each km after doing 6km I wanted to give up, but I told myself "its only a lil bit more, I can DO THIS!"

I knew I could do it, and I did.

I did it slowly. But to me the fact is, I did it. And that was a true breakthrough.

Now, I have to focus on scraping 30 minutes of that so I can take part in the Standard Charted next year. I hope it is possible.

So yes, apologies for the long hiatus on the blogging, if there is anyone out there still reading this. A lot of things have been happening and I just could not find the time. I have not stopped working out though! I try to do at least do 3 times a week, but I have to get back to my pace of doing it almost every day. I have kept to my constant pace of 5km under an hour, but I know I need to take it a level up and beat my personal best of 5km.

I will, and I can.

I have signed up for more things, to note on the side bar. I hope these things will keep me going. I need to achieve that Goal of mine.

As of today, I have officially lost 10kg. Which makes me feel really good and happy about myself, because this is very first time I have done a weight loss regime and actually stuck to it, and got good results out of it. Another 30+kg to go! Slow and steady. It can be done.

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