Monday, September 17, 2012


So, I love watching YouTube, and I have my set of favourite youtubers who I watch daily. And there is this one guy, who I have been watching for almost 3 years now, he does daily vlogs of his life. I am an absolute fan of his.

Anyways,recently he went through a whole get fit and lose weight regime, and he lost 100 pounds. He used to be big, and I was watching his videos when he was big, but then he decided one day to just get healthy.

Here are his after and before pictures pictures :

In the top picture he is the one on the right. 

He is truly inspirational. He lost all that weight, AND ran a marathon. 

And I feel so much more motivated cause he is one of my favourite youtubers, and he is real, and he did it! He did videos every week, of the process. He has a channel called ShayLoss , and its all about losing weight, and about how you just have to keep going. All you have to do is set your mind to it. 

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to share this inspirational running video he did, which I absolutely LOVE and is a good motivational video. I guess I feel it more, because I have been watching him for 3 years, and his transformation is just absolutely amazing and inspiring.

Please watch this video guys if you want to watch something inspirational! I love the whole concept of the rocks in the end and do Thumbs Up if you can :)

Quotes from the video :

"Someday doesn't exist, never has and never will.There is no someday,there is only TODAY."

"Real super man don't leap over buildings in a single bound, they take small determined steps, consistently over time."

"Its not about finding out who you are, its about creating who you are."

"Whether you think you can, or you think you cant. You're right."

"Ask yourself honestly, who do you wanna be, and what are you willing to do to become that person"

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