Sunday, July 22, 2012

7.2km =)

Last night I did the furthest I have ever done so far which is 7.2km!! and I felt quite ok doing it. I also was within my 5km under an hour timing as well, so all in all yesterday was a good day. Yay!

The ankle pain was of course inevitably there, I really should take it easy on my feet. But it just feels so good working out.

Puasa (Fasting Month) has started. =(

And I feel like it is  messing up everything! I can't do my morning runs any more and being dehydrated throughout the day is a pain. Even when break fast time comes, I try not to eat so much because I want to do my workout after. So all in all, my daily intake has quite drastically reduced. Also I don't actually wake up in the morning for Sahur, because I don't want to get up eat and go back to sleep.

I guess it could be a good thing, that daily intake has reduced, hopefully I will lose weight faster. But I can't help but think that this is not the proper healthy way to lose weight.

Sigh. I know I should not complain. But I really view this fasting thing as something extremely unhealthy, where people gorge themselves in the early morning to last throughout the day, and then gorge themselves again at night because of the hunger throughout the day.

How on earth is that healthy? And not to mention the sleep in between, falling back to sleep after sahur?.

AND to top it all off, the end of fasting month is celebrated with one month of Raya (another occasion where people continuously gorge themselves with calorie loaded food).

I must remind myself constantly not to succumb to the above and just continue my daily routines somehow. Puasa and Raya are two months huge obstacles I have to overcome and keep going.

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