Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Sigh. This puasa thing is really getting to me. Not because of the no food or energy or anything to do with that whatsoever, but mainly because it is messing up the timing of things in so many ways!!

I feel so very frustrated!!

I MUST do a workout tonight, I haven't done so in two days (because I was resting my foot due to the ankle pains), BUT I also need to do my work tonight. My night run can only start at 9pm which will end at about 10pm and by the time I get back to my work it would be 10.30pm!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

If I could have done my run in the morning, I wouldn't be faced with this problem! I could just continue doing my work, quickly eat , break fast and get back to it.


I am thinking if it would be possible to do a workout from 6pm to 7pm, and finish just in time for break fast. Then I could get back to my work earlier.

Problem is, is that I don't think I would have the energy to do so because I don't wake up in the mornings to eat sahur (maybe I should start doing this, but then I don't think I should be waking up, eating and then going back to sleep). The last time I would have actually eaten a sort-of meal would be 7.30pm yesterday, having my yummy sad baked potato for dinner. My mom said my dinner looked so sad lol.

 It does look sad. lol. But it was yummy!!

I feel like I have to come up with a solution for this work out thing. I gotta find a better way to do this. I can't stop the workouts. Suggestions anyone?

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