Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Keeping Hydrated

I did my 5km in 58 mins yesterday,Yay!!

While I was doing my workout last night,I came to realise the importance of keeping yourself hydrated. I did not drink enough water before doing my work out (after being dehydrated during the day because of fasting) and I actually felt quite dizzy and light headed while doing the work out. At some points in time, I felt as if I was not really there yet my feet were still moving. I felt extremely dizzy towards the end, which is why yesterday I only decided to do a 5km and not push any further. It got quite scary because at one point I felt like collapsing, but I went on. I know I should have stopped and slowed down but I wanted to finish.

I now know keeping yourself hydrated before a workout is essential.

According to this Article I read "Sipping Points" by Karen Asp :

"Dehydration causes your blood volume to drop, which lowers your body's ability to transfer heat and forces your heart to beat faster, making it difficult for your body to meet aerobic demands."

The article  mentions to drink 8 to 16 ounces (0.5L - the measurement of one of our standard water bottles we have) one or two hours before a run.Iced coffee and tea are fine, too. And in the event you didn't plan ahead? 15 to 30 minutes before going out, to drink at least 4 to 8 ounces (0.3L) of fluid. I shall make sure I do this from now on before any workout.

So remember people to always stay hydrated before any work out!

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