Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Today was another down day. My body just seems to not want me to run. I started off fine, hyped because I rested my feet yesterday an I wanted to run today, but the minute I started running today the shin pains kicked in followed by my stupid ankle pains. I haven't had this ankle pain in a long time, but today was the day it decided it wanted to return!

It could be because I have been slacking on my ankle strengthening exercises. I have to remind myself to keep doing it, along with the exercises to prevent shin splints. These are a must do! I need to strengthen my feet! I feel so frustrated with all these leg pains! All I want to do is run!

Today I did not hit my 5km under one hour lap time once again, so I did 6.4km. I did however do a personal best on the 6km marker at 1hr 14mins. Slightly better than Tuesdays work out. But I still feel quite disappointed in myself and extremely frustrated with my ankle. I just could not run. Argh!!! And now after the work out, it decides to be a complete bitch. 

I know, I know, these things take time. You can't push yourself to the extreme to a point where you ignore signs of pain and keep going (which I was wrongly doing today). It's your body's way of telling you to ease up. 

The doctor appointment that was supposed to be yesterday did not happen. Some complications and it had to be moved. I am thinking of just taking things into my own hands and not relying on my mother to get me an appointment. I need to know what I can do about this ankle. I don't want to have to give up what I am doing. 

Anyway, hopefully I will do better tomorrow. I shall do my feet exercises today. I'm glad however that I did the workout and I did the 6km. I find the below quote very motivating :

My ankle is being scary painful. I need to see a doctor. 

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