Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Keep Going!

Today was not the best of days. Woke up with cramps, and achy legs. I was a bit worried and was thinking of resting today, but then when I turned on my phone and saw my wallpaper which is this :

I decided to suck it up and get out of bed.

Doing a work out with cramps is not the easiest thing in the world, to add to that I may have pushed myself a bit too much yesterday and my legs were really achy. I just could not run today, so I decided to make today full on power walking day. Since I couldn't run, I power walked 6km. I did reach my personal best for 6km which is 1hour 15 mins, previously my times were 1hour 20mins, 18mins, 17mins. So I guess today wasn't so bad. 

I did not meet my 5km time today, I was a bit slow because of the walking and no running, I felt kinda disappointed that my body was acting up. But I guess its my body's kind of way to say "take it easy". 

I have to remember that this is a long journey. I can't push things too fast. Small steps! Small Steps! 

I am glad I got up and at least did a work out today. I think I have to pace myself, I can't run ever single day because I am still too heavy and I have to take it easy on my feet. But at least, I have to do some sort of work out, as long as I do it. I told Wils I was disappointed with myself today, and he said to me the quote below, a famous motivational running quote :

I'm glad I got up.

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