Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fallen Tree

This morning I went to my favourite park to do my usual workout at the TTDI Park (aka Taman Rimba Kiara Park).Took it slightly slow today because I don't want to aggravate my foot too much, so I did not do a 5km under an hour today. Also there was an obstacle in the way today at the TTDI park on the usual jogging track :

Apparently last night there was a storm and a tree fell onto the track. I took the above picture after someone had cut it up to provide a pathway, but before that I had to sort of hop over a branch to get across. Did this for about two rounds until it was cut, and there were lots of pauses while waiting for everyone to hop over the branch. I feel this slightly slowed me down today. 

But never mind, still did a work out today! Yay!

 The foot was slightly more painful than it was yesterday, but it was not too bad. I've got to keep reminding myself to take it easy. I need this thing to heal, and I gotta go for a physio therapy sessions ( which I have yet to schedule). 

I always feel good after a workout at this TTDI park. I love going there in the morning. Sad to say it will all have to come to a pause once puasa month hits. Then it shall be Desa Park City at night all the way for me till Raya. Booo, I don't feel as energised at night compared to the morning. 

But I will not stop this workout!! I will go on!! I will not make excuses for myself, just because it is puasa month it does not mean the exercises will stop. 


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