Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Down Week.

So this week so far has sort of been a down week. Actually a super down week, and all I feel is frustration!

Why? Well because of my ankle. Its been acting up quite badly ever since last week. I don't know why and I am kind of scared. My doctor's appointment was supposed to be on Monday, but I had to reschedule to this Friday because I couldn't walk over there due to rain.

The picture above shows where I feel the pain. The pain is there when I walk, and also when I run. It feels like a sharp stabbing pain, which kinda scares me. I fear going to the doctor because I fear what he will tell me, but I know I gotta do it at some point.

Maybe I have been pushing myself a bit too much. But I want the results and I am getting the results!

I only walked on Monday and Tuesday this week. Yesterday I decided to give my ankle a rest and swim, same goes for today as well.

But somehow I feel so unsatisfied with swimming. There is no sweat and I don't burn as much calories as I do when I do the walk with running intervals.

On the plus side, I have been losing about 1kg a week consistently. This regime seems to be working for me, which is why I hope I wont have to stop it for a while because of my stupid ankle. Argh!!!!!! Frustration!!!!!!

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